maandag 4 januari 2010


First of all, happy new year to one and all of you !

This blog started off as a schooly thing in september, and I wasn’t too sure I’d continue updating it after the deadline. But here we are now, actually quite enjoying the whole thing. So I decided to give it another go, a second life with a new beginning & all…

Older posts will stay available, but a new year requires new resolutions. First of all, I’ll mainly be posting in English since I’ve had quite a few readers from overseas or non-dutch speaking countries. Hell, there’re even some readers from Wallonia, of all places! The second big change is that I won’t be bothered that much with what’s illegal or copyright protected anymore. Most of the music and pictures I’ll post is very old, and I’m not too sure that buying their music on itunes’ll actually support them or their families. So here we go, if anyone’s having a problem with something up on this site, just let me know. Stay tuned & watch out for more

PS: It would be nice to have just a little feedback from time to time, so don’t hesitate leaving any comments or dropping an email. Love letters by airmail please!

PPS: The Final Comedown might move someplace else on the interweb anytime soon, so keep checking for news!

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